Hi guys,
After upgrading I noticed some of custom blocks are no able to be modified. I click the edit link but nothing happen. At OJS 2.4.8 it worked, however at 3.0.2 it seems to have a validation for the titles of the custom blocks that avoids to use them, so it could be a bug…
I found blocks wich names have spaces are non editable:

OJS 3.0.2
Thank you,
Hi @celuloide,
I believe that’s the same as this issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yeah Alec, it is the same thing.
Do you mean it will be solved on future versions or should we just hide them and create them one more time with no spaces on titles?
Thanks for your reply!
Hi @asmecher,
It hasn’t been resolved yet and only affects blocks that went through the upgrade from 2.x and contain spaces in their names. In the meantime, I’d suggest editing their names in the database to exclude spaces, or deleting them from the database and re-creating them using the user interface.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have an occurrence of this problem in an OJS instance recently upgraded from 2.4.8 to 3.1.1-4. I’ve tried editing the name in the database but cannot fix the issue. Can you elaborate on which tables/columns require the fix?
I have a row in plugin_settings that looks like this:
plugin_name: customblockmanagerplugin
context_id: 63
setting_name: blocks
setting_value: a:1:{i:0;s:15:"Editorial Board";}
setting_type: object
I changed the setting_value column to:
but it hasn’t changed in the web interface and still cannot be edited/deleted.
Any ideas what I’m doing wrong? Thanks,
Just going back and answering my own question in case anyone else is searching for the solution to this. You need to clear the data caches via the admin interface for the change to take effect in the web interface.
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