I wonder if the submission locale is English. During the submission process, the author should be able to choose what the submission language is. The quickest way to check would be to look at the articles table and see what the locale column is set to for the submissions you’re trying to export.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I did as suggested and really the article locale that should be pt_BR, was in en_US. I made the change and at the time of generating the XML the title was correct.
However, the abstract continues to export in English. Analyzing the OJS code in ojs-2.4.8\plugins\importxport\crossref\classes\DOIExportDom.inc.php, line 341, I saw that the abstract language has reference to the journal’s primary language ($journal->getPrimaryLocale()).
The correct would not be the abstract to have the article locale.
This is probably one of the biggest problems of OJS We dont have one data in metadata: original language.
It is very embarrassing - example:
Primary location of my journal is Polish
Original text of my article is French
Additional file with the text in English
And…. metadata (title, abstract, keywords) in German, English, Polish and French……
I dont have information that the French language is the language of the original.
Now, I register DOI and export metadata
If started to develop metadata from the Polish language I will have Title in Polish and Abstract in Polish
If I started from English – I will have Title in English and Abstract in Polish
/* Abstracts */
if ($article->getAbstract($journal->getPrimaryLocale())) {
$abstractNode =& XMLCustomWriter::createElement($doc, ‘jats:abstract’);
XMLCustomWriter::createChildWithText($doc, $abstractNode, ‘jats:p’, String::html2utf(strip_tags($article->getAbstract($journal->getPrimaryLocale()))));
XMLCustomWriter::appendChild($journalArticleNode, $abstractNode);
and where information about the original ?
The same problem occurs when WorldCat downloads metadates…
This is tricky – we’ve tried to figure out a multilingual model that works for most of our users, but there is very little agreement in how multiple languages should be handled amongst the various other systems we interoperate with. Many of them have only come recently to support multiple languages at all, and some still don’t. For the moment, our base assumption is that each submission will have a single language in which the required fields are available. That way there will always be a known way in which article titles and abstracts, journal titles, etc. will always be presentable. Overall that assumption has worked well for us – in your case you may need to make some site-specific adjustments.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Joining the discussion… We have a similar problem at https://morepress.unizd.hr/journals where articles are mostly both in English and Croatian (primary language being Croatian), but we would like to export metadata to CrossRef in English for visibility. Is there a way to force the CrossRef plugin to do this?
No, currently there is no generic way to do that – currently we only export/consider one language for the metadata export, so it would need an option to select preferred language the metadata should be exported into. I will double check with Crossref how the metadata in different languages could be registered and how they deal with that in general. Else, you could eventually do some code modification for your installation, if that is what you would like to.
I’ve noticed that you’ve posted on this on several older posts drawing attention to this issue. Please note that we discourage cross-posting on multiple topics (see here: Forum Guidelines and Code of Conduct - under “Keep the forum tidy”). A better approach would be to start a new topic and post your comments there - please be mindful of this when posting in the future.