Can't upload files in copyedited stage and keep loading

Dear Team and Members,
I’m using OJS I have tried to upload files in copyedited stage but I could not upload any files at copyedited phases.

Below is a screenshot for the error:


Your Help is highly appreciated,
Thanks in advance,
The error message:

**[22-Mar-2022 00:02:40 Asia/Baghdad] PHP Warning:  htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /home2/*********/public_html/plugins/generic/googleScholar/ on line 97**
**[22-Mar-2022 00:04:54 Asia/Baghdad] ojs2: 404 Not Found**
**[22-Mar-2022 00:33:40 Asia/Baghdad] PHP Warning:  Declaration of ManageCopyeditFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles, $fileStage = NULL) should be compatible with ManageSubmissionFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles = NULL, $fileStage = NULL, ...$functionArgs) in /home2/*************/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/copyedit/form/ on line 18**
**[22-Mar-2022 00:33:41 Asia/Baghdad] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getAssocId() on null in /home2/***************/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/**
**Stack trace:**
**#0 /home2/****************/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers/grid/ SubmissionFilesCategoryGridDataProvider->loadCategoryData(Object(Request), 4, Array)**
**#1 /home2/*******/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers/grid/ CategoryGridHandler->loadCategoryData(Object(Request), 4, Array)**
**#2 /home2/********************/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers/grid/ CategoryGridHandler->getGridCategoryDataElements(Object(Request), 4)**
**#3 /home2/**************/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers/grid/ CategoryGridHandler->_renderCategoryInternally(Object(Request), Object(SelectableSubmissionFileListCategoryGridRow))**
**#4 /home2/***********/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers in /home2/*****************/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/ on line 131**
**[22-Mar-2022 00:34:12 Asia/Baghdad] PHP Warning:  Declaration of ManageCopyeditFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles, $fileStage = NULL) should be compatible with ManageSubmissionFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles = NULL, $fileStage = NULL, ...$functionArgs) in /home2/*****************/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/copyedit/form/ on line 18**
**[22-Mar-2022 00:36:01 Asia/Baghdad] PHP Warning:  Declaration of ManageCopyeditFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles, $fileStage = NULL) should be compatible with ManageSubmissionFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles = NULL, $fileStage = NULL, ...$functionArgs) in /home2/****************/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/copyedit/form/ on line 18**
**[22-Mar-2022 00:36:02 Asia/Baghdad] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getAssocId() on null in /home2/*********************/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/**
**Stack trace:**
**#0 /home2/**************************/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers/grid/ SubmissionFilesCategoryGridDataProvider->loadCategoryData(Object(Request), 4, Array)**
**#1 /home2/***************/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers/grid/ CategoryGridHandler->loadCategoryData(Object(Request), 4, Array)**
**#2 /home2/*****************/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers/grid/ CategoryGridHandler->getGridCategoryDataElements(Object(Request), 4)**
**#3 /home2/*************/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers/grid/ CategoryGridHandler->_renderCategoryInternally(Object(Request), Object(SelectableSubmissionFileListCategoryGridRow))**
**#4 /home2/*******/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/controllers in /home2/*******/public_html/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/ on line 131**```

Sorry for cross posting and I totally understand that the team is quite busy. I’m upgraded my system to OJS with PHP 8.0 but I’m still getting the same problem. Any Ideas will be really appreciated

  • Many thanks

Hi @Salam_Al-Khammasi,

It’s possible that this problem is related to this one reported by another user. Can you please read through this issue and see if the suggested solutions work in this case?

Thank you so much for your reply. For the past few days, I went through this and it really solved the forever loading problem. Many thanks for you and all the PKP community.

My real problem is, I upgraded my PHP from 7.4 to 8.0 for my OJS Then I get the error as in the screenshot below. I’m not able to upload files through the copyediting stage


I got this error from the error log file:

[18-Jul-2022 01:47:57 Asia/Baghdad] PHP Warning: Declaration of ManageFinalDraftFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles, $fileStage = NULL) should be compatible with ManageSubmissionFilesForm::execute($stageSubmissionFiles = NULL, $fileStage = NULL, …$functionArgs) in /home/-/lib/pkp/controllers/grid/files/final/form/ on line 39

Your help is highly appreciated
Many thanks again

I upgraded OJS to OJS with php 8.0 and I’m still getting same error

Hi @Salam_Al-Khammasi,

This user reported a similar error but at the Review stage (rather than copyediting). Can you check this issue and see if the suggested solution works for you?

Thank you,
