In the journal policies setup it says, that
Automated email reminders can be sent to reviewers at two points:
If reviewer has not responded to a review request within X days.
If reviewer has not submitted a recommendation within Y days after review’s due date.
I have enabled both in OJS 2.4.2, but only the second reminder is working. I have never seen the first type of reminders being sent. Could anyone shed light on this issue?
BTW, in configure file, scheduled_tasks is set to on.
Thank you in advance.
Hi @newbies,
Both reminders send the same email template – could that be the source of confusion?
There may have been a few tweaks to that code since OJS 2.4.2; I’d also suggest upgrading.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you, Alec.
No, it is not a template issue. I can tell from the Review page.
Regarding upgrading, I am waiting for OJS 3.0 since both the templates and code of my current version have been heavily modified. Is it possible to apply modification to the code to fix this bug?
Hi @newbies,
No, it is not a template issue. I can tell from the Review page.
I’m not following – can you describe a little more?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team