One of our editors alerted us to an issue where a user with author permissions was unable to upload a revised version of their article. The system gives them the error message: “The current role does not have access to this operation”.
Looks like a similar issue to this but there is no answer to this query:
Hello, we have a few authors that are unable to submit revisions in the Review stage.
They have received an email from OJS informing them that a revision has requested by the journal editor. Once they click on the link and log in OJS, they receive an error message “you don’t currently have access to that stage of the workflow” and the page won’t load. I have attached the error message below.
I have checked one of the authors’ role in OJS. He is a reader, author and reviewer.
I have a…
Possibly also related to this github thread? [OJS 3] Author cannot upload revised article as a new version · Issue #3653 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
This journal is using OJS
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