I installed fresh OJS 3.0 and created journal, added a couple of users .When I logged out I tried to login as admin but when I enter the system I am prompted with message that access is denied.
The same happens with other users too.
Please advise
Can you provide a screenshot, or the exact error message and URL path after the domain name? A problem with the username/password at login should report “Invalid username or password. Please try again.” (or a translation thereof). The “access denied” message sounds more like a webserver error message.
It is possible that it is web server error since without any intervention it works now. If error will reoccur I will let you know.
The same error appeared again. Please check attached screenshot.
I am having exactly the same problem. Whenever the admin site eventually loads, I do not see my user name as admin but only english and view site . If I click again I will see The current role does not access to this operation, I just hope someone will solve this issue as it is totally frustrating.
Which version of OJS do you have?
I am using OJS 3.0 version
Please do upgrade on and check does your browser keeps cookies from various sessions. It is always good to clean cache in OJS and browser and try to do that again.
I have done all that. Maybe I will revert to 2.8.
Meanwhile since the owner is on my neck let me upload some drupal while working on the ojs in the local server
Hi @kelechiodo,
See my response on another thread. Please try to keep issues from spreading to multiple threads – it becomes hard to track.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Can anyone tell me if I can use OJS Locally?
Why I installed and is giving incorrect password error!
@erbson, this question is slightly different than the original question in this thread.
Please post it as a new topic. Be sure to describe the version of OJS you are using, the steps you took in installation locally, and the exact error message you get when you try to login.
Same problem appeared. Message is: “You have been denied access. Access to this site is currently restricted”. OJS version
me too have same problem…
Is your computer behind proxy?
I face the sam problme and I edit the config.inc.php file change the session_check_ip=Off. It is working.