I have a journal manager who would like to add video content to an article they are waiting to publish. We are running on OJS 2.4.3 and provide both PDF and HTML versions of articles (e.g., http://epress.lib.uts.edu.au/journals/index.php/csrj/issue/view/267).
Can anyone tell me the best way to do this?
Many thanks,
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There was a HOWTO on the old forum for this: http://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3111
Others may be able to chime in with more recent hints, or promote this to the FAQs on this forum.
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Thanks @ctgraham . That was exactly what I needed. In future I’ll search the old forums too!
Many thanks,
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Hi @ctgraham and @asmecher,
Just to be sure, I have an additional question: Is it possible to upload a pdf with embedded video to our OJS site? We tried to but it wouldn’t upload.
I assume from the “How to embed video” pdf at http://pkp.sfu.ca/files/embedding_ojs.pdf that this isn’t a feature of OJS (2.4.3 at least).
Is this correct?
I don’t know of any reason OJS would not accept arbitrary content in a PDF, including embedded video. It is possible that embedding video in a PDF might exceed a PHP or Apache upload filesize limit.
When you say “it wouldn’t upload”, do you get an error message, or does it sound more like this: Warn users when upoaded file size exceeded?
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Thanks for your reply @ctgraham.
I believe you were right about the PHP limit being the reason for the inability to upload the video to OJS.
I have spoken more to our IT people and they have recommended to only link out to a streaming site such as Vimeo or Youtube which is what we’ll do for both HTML and PDF versions of the article. It will save long download times for a PDF embedded video and prevent us from having to extend the upload limit of the PHP.
Thanks again for your help!
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Dear PKP Community:
We are publishing two videos in our first issue. There are concerns on our team about the politics of hosting and embedding the videos as “public” using a for-profit streaming site. We are interested in hosting all of our own content.
I have had success in uploading images as supplementary files then embedding the image into an article html in order to avoid using slideshare. Now I’m designing the video galleys and I’d like to use the same technique for embedding a video: first uploading it as supplementary file, then embedding that link to the supplementary file in the galley.
But I’m running into the problem of “timing out” during the video upload. I see that, above, the “IT people have recommended to only link out to a streaming site” perhaps because of limits on the uploading size, but I’m wondering if the word “recommendation” means there is yet a way to host a video on our site. Thanks for help in advance.
Thanks in advance.
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Hi @msengulj,
Your PHP and Apache settings may have an upper size limit on uploads and request times; you might start there. A work-around if you’re only occasionally hitting timeouts is to upload a small placeholder file, then use server admin tools (e.g. CPanel) to put the full-sized file into the files directory, replacing the temporary file.
OJS itself doesn’t have a file size limit.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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Nice, I’ll try the CPanel replacement process.
If you had any links to tutorials on changing the PHP settings, I’d be really glad. I found where the size limits are, by looking in the Site Administrator>>System Information link (it’s 20…) but how to actually modify that file is less clear.
Thanks for your help.
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Hi @msengulj,
Have a look e.g. at this: https://www.drupal.org/node/97193
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec. I have managed to upload a video as a supplementary file without actually needing to modify the PHP settings, but encountered a new problem that I’m hoping you could help me troubleshoot.
The image files I’d uploaded were available as “view” which means a separate URL was automatically generated for the image on OJS that I could then embed into the HTML galley of individual articles – and walla – I have a multimedia article without using a third party site. But the video I uploaded, it’s 9m, only is available in the supplementary files section as download, there is no “view” option automatically generated. Do you know how I might change this?
Thanks so much.
Hi @msengulj,
Have you run across this thread in the old forum? It provides some options for embedding:
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec I’ll have a look.
Thanks for that link. Just what I had in mind. I’m having difficulty getting results using the tag. I’d like to ask for help from you/this community here on the new forum rather than the old one.
I have uploaded three placeholder video files as supplementary files – with the idea that I’ll change them out in cpanel once I’ve figured out how to do this. I uploaded .mp4, .ogv and .webm files.
But when I create my HTML page using Kompozer, with the simply nothing shows up. The article just reads as if there is only text, no video.
I did some online sleuthing and tried the HTML5
I tried putting in the following
< video id=“Orr” src=“Orr.mp4” >< /video > (this is the original file name)
< video id=“Orr” src=“http://catalystjournal.org/ojs/index.php/catalyst/rt/suppFiles/37/143” >< /video >
< video id=“Orr” src=“name of file OJS generated” > < /video >
Please be advised there are no spaces in my code, but I put them in here between the “<” and the “video” etc. in order for it to show up on the screen
and then the same but with embed instead of video, but I’ve had no luck in getting anything to show up. Help would be much appreciated.
Hi @msengulj,
Note that you can use Markdown in this forum to get code to format nicely. Either indent your code with four spaces, or use backticks (```) to surround it if it’s a single line of content.
You can get OJS to drop a URL to a supplementary file into the markup when displaying a galley using a specially-formatted URL. It’s described here: https://pkp.sfu.ca/support/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=1285
The <embed>
element is a better place to start – see if you can get things going using that, then if you want to get more sophisticated (e.g. using Flowplayer) we can work on that afterwards.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, thanks for your help in troubleshooting this (and for details on how to get code to format). I’m afraid I haven’t had any luck with embeding the supp file video – despite lots of trial and error.
Following your suggestion, I created a public and supp file id for the file I’d like to embed, however the embed command does nothing in my html.
I’m wondering if I am not using it correctly somehow? I had more luck in at least visualizing a frame and video player using the command <iframe>
rather than <embed>
I’ll show you my code:
<embed src="ojs://suppfile/37/baby" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" frameborder="0" height="422" width="750"></embed>
I’m also not sure if this is even pulling the file. Any ideas you have would be appreciated.
Thanks so much.
Hi @msengulj,
Have you been checking out the HTML that OJS generates when you view the article? If you use the View Source tool in your browser, you should see that OJS has rewritten the ojs://...
URLs into something the browser understands. If that’s happening, then your problem will be an HTML and/or Javascript one. If not, it’ll be an OJS issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, thanks for the quick reply. I’m not sure I can answer your question as I am not actually able to “view” the supplementary video file in my browser. I am only prompted to “download” to open – so I generated the ojs url using just the names, hoping that by pointing to it in html (I use Kompozer) I’d be able to embed the file.

That image above is a screenshot of the supp files list I get when I click – no individual urls are generated for me with them (this is from Preview).
Below is another image, of the html version of the article I get in Preview using
Thanks again for all the help here… I appreciate it ~Monika
@asmecher! I cannot believe it, but after more trial and error, I am pleased to report that the < embed> worked after all! I’ve managed to get the video on the preview – a huge step after so many hours and trials with failure. I replaced the placeholder file with the 125MB file in Cpanel and renamed it – and it still worked! Now going to experiment with Flowplayer. I cannot believe this is actually happening. 
Hi @msengulj,
Great, glad to hear you’re making progress. Let me know how it goes and maybe I can help with some guidance on the next steps.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team