Adding multimedia content (videos) to journal articles

Hi @asmecher – thank you. Last night I was so happy! But then, today the same file is displaying “a plug in is needed to display this content” with a gray screen. I’m so bummed. I don’t know what happened. :frowning: Any ideas?

@asmecher (and anyone else who is doing multimedia work with OJS). We’ve decided to keep using vimeo for our launch next Tuesday, tho I will resume working on the ‘embed’ process very soon.

Beyond this, I had a question. One of the pieces we’re displaying is a video and the author wishes to have the text “scroll” under it. I consdiered ways that I could write CSS to in essence “Freeze” the video as a header so that the text would scroll under it. Per the author’s suggestion, I also considered the possibility of using “Frames” and went to look in the forums to see if anyone else had done this in the past, and found a link related to “Frames” that suggested they are not all that accessible.

Do you know if this is still the case? Is there a way to achieve the video that remains at the top of the page while the text flows under it in a way that would be accessible to screen readers?

Thanks in advance for any ideas you might have. You will be credited in the acknowledgements of our first issue for helping so much :smile: ! Thank you, Monika

Frames have long been considered less-then-good practice, but there are still some valid use-cases and browser support remains.

The time sync’ing text flow of a transcript with video is a fairly complex task. There was an excellent presentation on this at OR2015 from a Islandora/Drupal perspective: Developing Open Oral Histories in Islandora. Their partner, Pinedrop, currently comes to the top of a search for time aligned transcript players. A more extensive search might reveal other options that can integrate beyond Drupal.

Thanks for your quick response regarding “Frames” and time syncing.

Perhaps I misstated the design aim that I am seeking assistance with achieving. I’m not seeking to actually time sync a transcript, but rather to “freeze” the video so that it always remains in the window – like a header that doesn’t go away – so a long text can be read under it and the video is always present. Like the “freeze frames” option in Excel – though I imagine that a different term is used for web development. Advice from you, and others who have had more experience, would be super appreciated!

Thanks - MSJ

That is simpler. You can use CSS to constrain the text container size and make the text scroll. See the CSS box model and the overflow property:

Fantastic, thank you I’ll look into these examples.