Adding many co-authors via a table or file

Describe the issue or problem
As an author who submitted an article, I would like to add about 100 authors without having to go through the user interface every time. Is there a way for the journal to add the authors? For example, I have all necessary data available in an excel file.

Steps I took leading up to the issue

What application are you using?
I do not know.

Additional information
Does not apply.

Hi @Lukas0,

Can you please note your version number. You can see how to do so here:

PKP Team

Thank you for the instructions! The version is

Hi @Lukas0,

I don’t have any easy answers for you in 3.3.0-x or 3.4.0-x, but there are a couple of longer term improvements that’ll help:

  • Institutional author support (#5955) – you mention that this probably isn’t a good fit for you, but it’s a long-standing request and will be relevant to some, and
  • Starting with #3022, we’re beginning to rely much more on invitations rather than allowing users to directly enter information about 3rd parties. For authors, this will mean the submitting author will only identify the co-authors (e.g. by email or ORCiD), and then it’ll be up to the co-authors to accept the invitations and populate their details as needed. You won’t see this yet in OJS 3.5.0 when it’s released in (hopefully) Q4 2024, but it’s likely going to come with the next major release after that. (This won’t all be smiles and sunshine – on long author lists it’s likely that at least some of the authors will need chasing to complete the work.)

By coincidence we’re just discussing this internally; I’ll update this thread if anything specific comes of it, but meanwhile, we’re happy to have input from the community on what they would like.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Dear Lukas,
Last month I developed a Python script to add many contributors from a text file. Our library arranged that I could create an API key, so that’s what I’m using to prepare the header content for each request. Send me DM if you’re interested.
Kind regards

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I am very glad to hear that developement is ongoing! I can’t say from the author point of view, since we only have invited authors on our publications and editors do the hard part. But for editors, the answer is to combine galleys + metadata outside and import via Native XML importer as a mock export. There are several solution on github based on this concept, but that will not help you unless the editors/managers agree to import the file for you. If you search Native XML import on this forum you will see a few options.
Good luck!