Abstract layout OJS 3.1.0-1 Manuscript theme

hello, In our Manuscript theme Abstract does have layout that text starts immediatelly after title Abstract like here:

We would like to have it to be above the text of abstract like here:
Please advise how to do that.

it seems that your abstract are saved as a pure text without any paragraph tag, so it shown as you mentioned.
you can edit the template file to solve this issue.
in the “/templates/frontend/objects/article_details.tpl” file edit line 149 and change it from




Great! Thanks a lot.

I would like to do the same for keywords. Can you post here which code to enter in order to get keyowrds displayed in the same way. Thanks in advance

in the same file line 135 to 141, put it inside dive tag too:


<span class="value">
  {foreach from=$keywords item=keyword}
    {foreach name=keywords from=$keyword item=keywordItem}
      {$keywordItem|escape}{if !$smarty.foreach.keywords.last}, {/if}


<span class="value">
  {foreach from=$keywords item=keyword}
    {foreach name=keywords from=$keyword item=keywordItem}
      {$keywordItem|escape}{if !$smarty.foreach.keywords.last}, {/if}
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Wonderful ! That looks great now.

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see also: