I’m the journal manager and I need to export issue information. I’ve tried using the articles and issues XML plugin. I can create an XML file but every time I try to open it in any XML reader, I get the error message “This XML file cannot be opened because of an error. Check to make sure that the file is a valid XML file, and that the XML syntax is correct. You can also try re-creating the file and closing other applications before you attempt to open it again.”
I’ve tried exporting whole issues and single articles and get the same response. The file won’t even open in notepad (here it just stops running).
As I said, I’m the journal manager so I’m hoping that there is something that I can do on my end or at least give some suggestion to the OJS host.
I ended up downloading XML copy editor. It still was slow but I was able to at least open the file. The file wouldn’t validate and kept giving me errors. I downloaded the native.dtd file to the same folder and changed the XML file to direct to the local directory. It now validates but I still can’t do much with the XML. I found another work around for what I was looking for at this time and I will come back to this later if I need to.