Wrong translation - OJS 3.0

I might have made a wrong translation cause when I choose my Danish copyediting page the word ‘Copyedited’ (see the image) is translated as if it meant ‘Copyediting’

Now I can’t find the file and the place to correct. Can anybody help me?
Is there a quick way to make such a search? I’ve made a complete translation of the OJS 3.0 into Danish, and I can imagine that I have to correct some of the terms later. Here it would be nice if I was able to find the right place myself.
Niels Erik

Hi @nef,

That’s submission.copyedited in lib/pkp/locale/xx_YY/submission.xml (xx_YY is of course whatever locale you want to translate).

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi Alec
Thank you very much.
Niels Erik