Workflow for uploading without Quick Submit Plugin

Since the Quick Submit plugin is not yet available for 3.0.1, is there a workflow I, as the journal admin, can follow to upload articles on behalf of authors? We aren’t using any of the reviewing/editing/etc. features of OJS… I just want to upload and display the articles. I understand we might have to go through these steps, but I submitted the article. It appears in submission. Under review it says “The review process has not yet been initiated.” I can’t find where to initiate it. Did the author receive an email and not me? I’m looking in the guide:

Hi @jaskoog,

You could either submit it as yourself and use the Participants drop-down to add the actual author’s user account, or use the “Log In As” feature under “Users & Roles” to impersonate the author and then create the submission.

To initiate the review process, you’ll need to ensure that an editor is assigned to the submission under Participants. Then you should see a “Send to Review” button on the upper right of the page in order to initiate the review process. (You may need to reload the page after assigning the editor – some users have reported that.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I submitted them as myself, ojsadmin (editor), and then added the authors using the participants drop-down menu. Then, I removed ojsadmin on the admin site, but it is still displaying on the live website:

I found the solution: I had to remove it from the contributor’s list.

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