WordPress and OJS for Journal Website Development

Hi everyone,

I’m planning to develop a journal website similar to LUMAT Journal (https://journals.helsinki.fi/lumat/index) and I have a couple of questions:

  1. Is it feasible to develop the main pages of the journal (e.g., homepage, about page) in WordPress while keeping the current OJS workflow for submissions and peer review?
  2. How can we ensure a consistent look and feel across both platforms without using a theme?

Any advice or guidance on how to approach this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

1.it’s need secondary development for wordpress and ojs systems to interface with data.
2.can not,the two system can’t share themes,you can refer to ojs theme to modify the wordpress style.

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Hi @hoangnguyen,

There are a number of posts here on the forum that speak to this topic. Please see here:

As I understand it, out of the box, it’s not really feasible, but some users have experimented with it.

PKP Team

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One journal that we host on OJS does both:

BUT: the Wordpress site links back to the PDFs on the OJS site, since there are no journal platform specific tools such as DOI registration and resolver (important!), Counter statistics, access statistics or OAI-PMH in Wordpress.

The institution wanted this to have more visibility of its journal and to present the journal on their website.

However, for your case, I would strongly recommend to overthink your approach. Why use two platforms if one platform - OJS - can manage everything for journals (workflow, publication, distribution, registration in Abstracting and Indexing databases), and the other - Wordpress - simply isn’t build for that? You would have double effort to implement and manage with less functionality, and the risk of failure is higher than with a single system. Things may easily break when either side is updated.

Another journal that we host and is very successful in its field switched from a Wordpress installation to OJS due to the reasons above.