I have a problem using the OJS for the files submitted in step. 4 - supplementary files - their given titles are not visible.
When uploading the supplementary file in the Supplementary File Metadata page you can give the file a Title.
But in the interface of the reviewer this Title is not visible, only the renamed by the system file name (i.e. 829-1592-1-SP.TIF). This is very bad for a reviewer who doesn’t know which image name (Fig 1) is which file. Sometimes the authors don’t upload the images in the ascending order. So they are not identifiable. Nor the image has its name in the picture - it would be a bad practice.
It is true the editor can see these names with an additional click on the file when the editor accesses the Summary of the submission, but this title should be visible near the coded file name (829-1592-1-SP.TIF).
Am I missing a setting somewhere ? Or this should be a feature request?
I am using OJS
Thank you!
Hi @ojspkpuser,
This is a fairly straight-forward template modification – e.g. for reviewers, you’d edit templates/reviewer/submission.tpl
and find the loop that goes through all the supplementary files, adding a call to getSuppFileTitle()
on the supplementary file object to fetch its title. We’re unlikely to add this to OJS 2.4.x, though, as we’re focusing our attention on OJS 3.x – which is already much improved in this regard (and others).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you for the quick reply, and the excellent help you always provide!
Indeed it is straight forward
I modified the template: /templates/reviewer/submission.tpl
like this and now it ti showing the title and original file name
{foreach from=$suppFiles item=suppFile} {if $suppFile->getShowReviewers() } {assign var=sawSuppFile value=1} <u>File title: </u>{$suppFile->getSuppFileTitle()|escape}, <u>Original filename:</u> <a href="{url op="downloadFile" path=$reviewId|to_array:$articleId:$suppFile->getFileId()}" class="file" title="{$suppFile->getFileName()|escape}"> {$suppFile->getOriginalFileName()|escape} </a><br /> {/if} {/foreach}
Best regards!
Hi @ojspkpuser,
Thanks for posting your changes!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
Thank you for all the help!
Best regards!