Hello Everyone,
I have two different journals on one server, and in one of the journals I have there are problems when setting up the PKP PN plugin, I have waited for the process for more than 2 weeks but the LOCKSS status is still Unknown, as in the example image below that I attach, and OJS which I use version

And below is an example of another journal that is on the same server, but PKP PN is running normally,

Please help to be able to solve this issue…
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Hi @Muhammad_Al_Madani,
Check the scheduled task logs for the journal, and try to export the issue manually; there’s a bit of information on this in the plugin’s README document:
Search the plugin’s logs in the ‘scheduledTaskLogs’ folder within the OJS
files directory. Files named ‘PKPPLNDepositorTask-id-datestamp’ should
be found there.
In the scheduled task log files, if an entry like ‘[date time] [Notice] Task
process stopped.’ is found, then the process seems to have exited as it
should. Otherwise please check the PHP logs for more info/errors.
If an issue fails to be packaged, it may be useful to try and export the issue
from the native import/export plugin. Possible export problems may cause the
PLN Plugin to fail to send the failed content, and the native import/export
plugin may display some hints on why the failure occured.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Ascmecher
Thank you so much for your respond and your valuable suggestion.
Based on the log we found that seems like there is an error on the PKP Server :
[2020-09-30 02:49:10] [Notice] PKP PN server returned HTTP error 500 when sending the deposit.
The important returned response is :
<div class="container"> <div class="page-header"> <h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1> </div> <p>500 - Internal Server Error. String could not be parsed as XML</p>
Can you give us some suggestion on how to fix this because the status on our local already packaged :

Thank you so much
Hi @Muhammad_Al_Madani,
Can you try the debugging step involving exporting the issue manually as suggested above?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Thank you so much for the suggestion.
We follow your suggestion to download each of the issues using the Native XML Plugin for each of the issues as an attempt to find the invalid XML file of the issue.

Then we validated each of the files using the VsCode XML validator. However we did not find any of the results of the exported XML invalid. All the XML generated by the Native XML Plugin for the Issues are all valid.
Here is the image which is if one XML is invalid it will have the red font. In this image, it can be shown that all the results of XML issues from the Native XML Plugin issue XML file are valid.

However, the server of PKP PN still shows those error that I have told you before.
Do you have any more recommendations to help us to solve this kind of trouble?
Hi @Muhammad_Al_Madani,
I guess that was just a temporary issue, if you’re still having the issue, please share your journal’s URL, so I can check what’s happening from our side.
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