Why Crossref XML Export plugin not showing in importexport section even my ojs version is 3.4

Why Crossref XML Export plugin not showing in importexport section even my ojs version is 3.4

Hi @Sajjad_Haider,

This is because the ways that DOIs are handled has changed in 3.4. Whhen trying to access the import/export options did you see this message


First you configure your DOI settings, and are then able to bulk register DOIs without needing to export them - they can be sent right to Crossref

PKP Team

Thanks for your reply that helped me alot but how can I know how DOI connection builds with Crossref after setting DOI and how it will sent right to Crossref?

Hi @Sajjad_Haider,

If you’ve configured correctly, you should be able to login to your Crossref members’ portal to verify that things have been deposited correctly. Also, your DOIs should resolve (by clicking on them on the article page)

PKP team

Thanks @rcgillis your reply help me alot

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