Which release is the latest (production ready)?

Hi @asmecher! The OJS 3.1.1-1 was announced to be released 7 days ago:

However, now it is 96% complete. And there is another one, OJS/OMP 3.1.1-2, which is 100% complete. Would you please clarify? Thank you!

Hi @Ph_We

Although I am not @asmecher :slight_smile: : The most recent stable release is OJS 3.1.1-1 and for OMP also 3.1.1-1, s. https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs/ojs_download/ i.e. https://pkp.sfu.ca/omp/omp_download/


I was unaware of OJS/OMP 3.1.1-2 milestone, but maybe Alec created it, so maybe that would be eventually next release… before 3.2.

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Thanks, @bozana :slight_smile:
The OJS 3.1.1-1 is now excluded from the milestone list. But assuming it has been modified recently, should we redownload/reinstall it?

Hi @Ph_We

I closed the milestone 3.1.1-1, so now it is in the list of closed milestones.
What version do you use?
Do you use release packages or git?


@bozana, we use release packages.

If you use a release < 3.1.1-1, yes, you can download the package and upgrade… :slight_smile: The package is provided on May 31 and haven’t changed since then…

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So it hasn’t been modified since May. OK, thank you.