my greetings I am new to the forum I installed open system journal but I cannot generate the oai.xml file to validate my platform please I am looking for someone who can help me create it step by step
Typically you can access your OAI-PMH endpoint using the following format:
Are you able to access that on your journal?
PKP Team
I am delighted with your response but I need a model oai file to enter my journal information and I put it in open journal system
oai file to validate my system
What’s the URL of your journal?
Jonas Raoni
IS m’y url journal
Thanks! Your OAI-PMH endpoint is accessible with this URL:
You can use this site to validate it:
If you really need the XML content, you can open that link and save the page.
Jonas Raoni
Your journal must have published articles to be validated in this tool, and looks like your just have one issue, without articles.
Jonas Raoni
so I have to publish the articles in this issue so it will be active, that’s it
If you really want to ensure that the validation is working, then yes
Jonas Raoni