@asmecher please suggest which archiving for OJS version because CLOCKSS and LOCKSS are not compatible with this version and also let us know how backup plugin will work in this version.
@asmecher please suggest which archiving for OJS version because CLOCKSS and LOCKSS are not compatible with this version and also let us know how backup plugin will work in this version.
Hi @hussainyousaf,
Please be patient; we’re a small team juggling a lot of responsibilities!
I’ve responded to your question about the backup plugin here: What to backup? - #7 by asmecher
CLOCKSS and LOCKSS are working with OJS 3.1.1-4 as far as I’m aware. Those tools just need to be able to harvest OJS like any spidering software; no special support is required in OJS.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team