Where is the function “Notify Users” link in the Editor’s User Home?

  • Application Version - e.g., OJS 3.1.2

  • Description of issue:

"Publish Notify“ email:
This email is sent to registered readers via the “Notify Users” link in the Editor’s User Home. It notifies readers of a new issue and invites them to visit the journal at a supplied URL.”

But, where is the function “Notify Users” link in the Editor’s User Home?, I can’t find it…

Screenshot: aa

Hi @didoemilio,

You can trigger this email when publishing an issue:


Regards, Primož

Hello primozs! what the software sends is a notification that there is a published number (that simply says: A new number has been published) but not the email “Publish Notify”… I’m not talking about the notification but about the email that has this structure:


{$contextName} has just published its latest issue at {$contextUrl}. We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit our web site to review articles and items of interest.

Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,

Hi @didoemilio,

Sorry, my bad reading. Maybe this helps: Publish Notify template issue

Regards, Primož

Hi, @primozs thank you for the screenshots, but in my journal the checklist that shows “send notification email…” didn’t show up. Could you please tell me why? Thank you so much

Hi @Kholifatus_Saadah,

This is an older post. If you are experiencing this issue can you please describe your issue in a new post (and refer back to this post if you’d like). This helps us avoid clutter on the forum.

Best regards,

PKP Team