Good morning to all!
I’m working with Google Analytics and I have the big question of WHERE to put the portal ID inside OJS.
I would like the script to be in a place (like the footer) that can be reachable by all the journals and in turn that does not modify the source code.
The plugin that OJS provides for Google Analytics is not useful because it is customized for each journal and I want to have the ID of the journal and the ID of the portal at the same time.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help!
Hi @julietavuan,
What version of OJS are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, I’m using OJS 3.0
Hi @julietavuan,
Currently OJS doesn’t have a place for a site-wide Google Analytics ID, but I’ve filed this for attention at Add setting for site-wide Google Analytics tracking · Issue #2048 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub. Meanwhile you’ll either need to add the ID for each journal, or you could make a template modification to add the Javascript outside the Analytics plugin.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, @julietavuan, I am using ojs-3.1.0-1 and it is available as plugin.
More info:
Google analytics in OJS3
I activated the plugin, but I also can’t put my ID… the system does not propose settings, as it is written in the notice!
Hi Giby,
Could it be that you are looking in the Plugin Gallery instead of the Installed Plugins tab? After it has been enabled you should find it under Generic Plugins (in Installed Plugins) and you should be able to add your code in Settings. Just a thought! =)
Best wishes,
actually, there’s an issue if you try to configure from the root… Have to install in every journal individually