I’ve tried to contact you (PKP/OJS) via email, but I haven’t heard anything.
I’ve translated the OJS User Guide 3.0 in GitBook and pulled a request to Pull requests · pkp/ojs-user-guide · GitHub
I’ve translated the whole OJS 3.0 program and sent the export file from the OJS’s translation section (also via email).
Still I haven’t heard anything.
Could you please tell what else I have to do?
Niels Erik
Hi @nef,
I sent you an email on Friday – did you receive it?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Niels Erik,
we managed to get the OJS translations into the last release - will send you an email. I will be in touch regarding the documentation. Sorry for the delay - your support is very much appreciated!
Hi Alec
Yes, I received an email last Friday saying:
asmecher Staff
February 10
Hi @Vhiie,
See e.g. this thread: Drop-down list of article components - translated but not visible
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
It deals with an old question, not the whole translation package.
I was anxious to hear how my Danish OJS User Guide 3.0 and the whole OJS 3.0 translation could be publicly available.
As I understand the answer from Marco you managed to get the Danish OJS translation into the last release. Hopefully it will be connected to my GitBook. Can you confirm that?
Apart from this little intermezzo I’ll thank you very much for an excellent service and a perfect program.
Best regards
Niels Erik