When I publish an issue not all the authors appear below the article's title



We’ve encountered an issue with our journal publication. Upon entering the page showcasing all articles and reviews, we’ve observed that the authors’ names appear in only some entries, while in others, they are missing (img1)

Certain articles followed the regular submission process, while others required uploading through the quicksubmit module.

In our attempts to resolve this matter, we undertook the following actions:

  1. Republishing the article, yet the issue persists.
  2. Creating a new issue number and uploading the specific article, but the problem continues.
  3. Changing the title and reassigning the author to the article, but the issue persists.

I suspect a platform-related problem, possibly tied to an update. However, I’m uncertain about the appropriate course of action. Your insights and comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

OJS Version
We’re working with OJS

Hi @fran,

When you view the article in the dashboard, do you see the author name attached to it?

Also, OJS 3.1 is quite outdated and no longer supported - I highly suggest that you upgrade to a later version (like 3.3 or 3.4) when you can.


Hi Roger, thank you to answer. I don’t see the author attached to it.

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