We are setting up first DOI for the first article. We use OJS 3.x
The system is telling us: Use the pattern entered below to generate DOI suffixes. Use %j for journal initials, %v for the volume number, %i for the issue number, %Y for the year, %a for the OJS article ID, %g for the OJS galley ID, %f for the OJS file ID, %p for the page number and %x for “Custom Identifier”.
Our goal was to get an automatic numeric suffix but i didn’t find such option. Thus, i think article ID or custom identifier can be an alternative. However, our articles have no IDs or numbers.
Where to find OJS article ID?
What is Custom Identifier, and where is it in the system?
The %a will be an automatic numeric suffix. That’s the article ID in the OJS system and will always be an integer.
The %x custom identifier is the publication’s URL path. This a custom string that can be entered into the publication details under the issue details. I recommend not using this and sticking to %a.
Thank you for your valuable suggestion. We want to place DOI link in the PDF of the article before we can assign it to an issue/volume. Our goal is to when readers download our PDFs , they don’t find any reason to search for its DOI number instead they can easily find it in within our each article (PDF).
Problem: If we choose %a, it would assign DOI once we have already assigned and published our article. It means, our PDF file will not contain DOI link within it.
As someone who has tried several DOI syntaxes, I finally decided to remove all the strings except OJS submission id from the DOI suffix. Because, inserting volume or issue number, (even year) into the DOI put me into trouble when I decided to change the publication order of the articles.
Since the submission id is assigned to it when just the submission steps was completed, the DOI of that submission (article) could be defined at that time, and could be used if that manuscript is accepted for publication.
The DOI prefix is already a constant number starting 10.publisherprefix/