What is the right way to make a plugin installable?

Hello All,

I’m developing a plugin and now I’m trying to install it. After installing the plugin through web interface I got a sucess message, but the folder didn’t get to the right place. It should be in plugin/paymethod/myplugin but it is in plugin/myplugin. The plugin’s tables didn’t were created as well.

I’m running OCS 2.3.6 and I’ve already tried to compress it with tar like /myplugin and plugin/paymethod/myplugin, but I got the same results.

Someone has any idea what is going wrong?

Hi @Israel87,

We’ve made a lot of changes to the plugin structures in our software since OCS 2.3.6 was released, but off the top of my head, I’d suggest packing up the plugin within a paymethod/myplugin directory.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team