WEBFEED plugin... not in the plugin list

I’m having a problem with the WebFeed plugin. OJS
The files are correctly on FTP (screen 1) but the plugin doesn’t appear in the list (screen 2)…
Any ideas?
Thank you

Hi @grafica,

Is there a reason that you didn’t install it from the plugin gallery (this is the recommended way, as other methods carry a certain degree of risk. What version of the WebFeed plugin are you trying to install? It could possibly be incompatible with that version of OJS.

PKP Team

@rcgillis - This plugin comes with a standard OJS installation, not with the plugin gallery.

hi @rcgillis ,
ojs is
webfeed is
I’m not an expert. The plugin was already on FTP when we updated ojs, but not in the list.
So I tried to add it manually (with FTP), but it still not appears on the list :frowning:

exactly, but it never appeared in the list to activate it

Not sure if that helps. If you have access to the shell, you might try

cd {ojs_root}/lib/pkp/tools
php ./installPluginVersion.php {ojs_root}/plugins/generic/webFeed/version.xml

Supply your OJS root directory for {ojs_root}.

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The culprit may be the wdTest plugin before - what should that be for?

@mpbraendle THANK YOU so much! now the plugin works.
the problem was the ‘wdTest’ folder, it seems like an incomplete test or something similar

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