Hi Could someone help me with the following issue:
how can the citations from the journal present on OJS website be more visible in Google Scholar? What can be done from the point of view of metadata?
I will be grateful for any tips
Hi Could someone help me with the following issue:
how can the citations from the journal present on OJS website be more visible in Google Scholar? What can be done from the point of view of metadata?
I will be grateful for any tips
Hi @apla
The Documentation Interest Group (DIG) wrote and published a comprehensive guide about indexing in Google Scholar. You can find it from the link below:
Thank you very much !
Is there any chance of turning on RESTful URLs make effects on Google Scholar Indexing?
Normal article link: https://ijier.net/index.php/ijier/article/view/3249
RESTful URLs article link: https://ijier.net/ijier/article/view/3249