Video failed after upgrade

Dear organization and members,

After upgrading my OJS to the version (i had the before), the video that I had uploaded is not working. As you can see in the image below:
Also, I notice that there is no more option to download another file in this Journal Summary section. I have the original video in my computer file, but the platform does not let me exclude the video.

Could somebody help me, please?

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Hi @Giulia_Carvalhal,

When you uploaded the video file in OJS did you happen to add the video using the Text Editor Extras Plugins?

By default, the Journal Summary does not have the extended functions that you see in Editorial Team. You would need to use the Text Editor Extras Plugin and configure the plugin setting to allow for images and codes in the Journal Summary.


Kind Regards,
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you for your reply!

I did not use this plugin to upload the video.
The main problem is that I can not delete it. I try to delete using this text editor plugin but did not work. :frowning:

Do you have any suggestions?

Best Regards,

Hi @Giulia_Carvalhal

Are you getting any error messages when you try to delete the video?

Kind Regards,


No, I just cant click on it. Like it does not even exist.

Kind Regards,

Hi @Giulia_Carvalhal,

Have you tried enabling Text Editor Extras Plugins and seeing if you’re able to remove it with this?

Kind Regards,

Hi @pmangahis ,

Yes, I tried.


Hi @Giulia_Carvalhal,

Thanks for confirming. Unfortunately, I am unable to provide any further assistance with this inquiry. I’ve asked my colleagues on the PKP team to see if they have any solutions they can propose here.

Kind Regards,

Hi @Giulia_Carvalhal,

I had a look at the video on the website and I can see that it is pointing to the following URL:

If you go to that you’ll see it gives a 404 error, which means the file no longer exists at that location. The directory, /uploads/, is not managed by OJS in any way. I suspect what happened is that in the past someone uploaded a video by FTP or SSH to that location on your server, and then when OJS was upgraded it was removed because the software is not aware of that directory.

I’d recommend contact any technical support you have to see if the video can be uploaded to that location. They may need to repeat this step every time you upgrade, though.

If not, then I suggest using the plugin that @pmangahis mentioned in order to enable the “Code” option in the TinyMCE editor. Then view the raw HTML code of that textarea and remove the following text:

<video id="player" controls="controls" width="100%" height="100%"><source src="" type="video/mp4"></video>