[Context : OJS 3.2.1-4 ; Citation style plugin version]
Shouldn’t the date parts within the citation (Vancouver citation format only) be separated with spaces?
Jung I. An elaborated model of student support to allow for gender considerations in Asian distance education. test [Internet]. 2018Apr.12 [cited 2020Sep.9];1(3).
(taken from An elaborated model of student support to allow for gender considerations in Asian distance education | OJS3 Testdrive Journal) (another example is the screen capture here: Some changes in vancouver style citation)
2018Apr.12 => 2018 Apr. 12
[cited 2020Sep.9] => [cited 2020 Sep. 9]
Also my understanding (I am no expert, someone correct me if I am wrong) is that month should be abbreviated as specified by a locale value (for example, “Nov” in en_US for November) but without a final period “.” at the end :
2018Apr.12 => 2018 Apr 12
[cited 2020Sep.9] => [cited 2020 Sep 9]
(sources/examples consulted : Vancouver system - Wikipedia, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7282/#A32682, Samples of Formatted References for Authors of Journal Articles)
I did not find anything about this in the citeproc-php issues list (and have not installed the citeproc-php locally to see if it throws the same format).
Has someone here looked at this issue ?
Marie-Hélène V.
Bibliothèques, Université de Montréal
Hi @Marie-Helene,
I tried generating a Vancouver citation using citeproc-php directly and got a similar problem with the dates; I suspect it’s either a citeproc-php problem or a Vancouver CSL problem. Here’s a minimal example to demonstrate it with citeproc-php:
use Seboettg\CiteProc\StyleSheet;
use Seboettg\CiteProc\CiteProc;
$style = StyleSheet::loadStyleSheet('vancouver');
$citeProc = new CiteProc($style);
echo $citeProc->render([
(object) [
'type' => 'article-journal',
'title' => 'The Signalling Theory Dividends: A Review Of The Literature And Empirical Evidence',
'issued' => (object) ['raw' => '2020-10-29'],
], 'bibliography');
<div class="csl-bib-body">
<div class="csl-entry"><div class="csl-left-margin">1. </div><div class="csl-right-inline">The Signalling Theory Dividends: A Review Of The Literature And Empirical Evidence. 2020Oct.29;. </div></div>
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you @asmecher. So do I understand correctly that at this point this is the kind of issue that should be reported to Issues · seboettg/citeproc-php · GitHub ? If not, what would be the next step to resolve that issue? thank you.
Hi @Marie-Helene,
Yes, that’s a good place to start – I’m not 100% sure the issue is not in the Vancouver format, but it’s likely to be in citeproc-php.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team