Validate url in DOI with Crossref plugin

Hi, I have Version

I am validating the article with your DOI and in the CrossRef XML Export Module plugin, after selecting the article and sending it to me, it indicates the following error:

Validation errors:

Failed to locate the main schema resource at ‘’.
Invalid XML:

Which may be due?

Hi @gardbeat,

If you download the XML, and upload it to the CrossRef metadata quality check , does it give you errors there?

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hello @astevens ,

Neither allows me to download, because when I hit the download button I get the same error on the screen as when I click on send.

Hi @gardbeat,

Try un-checking “Validate XML,” as suggested here, and see if you can register your DOIs then.

Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks @astevens , the problem is in the validation. Can they be corrected in the next update of the plugin?