I couldn’t find an question/answer set relevantly similar to this question already in the forum, so here goes:
I’m trying to setup an RSS feed to send to PhilPapers. Here is what PhilPapers requires: “RSS 1.0 and … Dublin Core and PRISM fields describing each article.”
The specific fields to add are:
- prism:publicationName
- dc:creator
- dc:date
How do I enter these into the XML/template?
Thanks in advance
Hi @rosenlogic,
I presume the data is to come from OJS; what version are you using?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks for responding, @asmecher. I’m using version
Hi @rosenlogic,
There’s a plugin included in OJS called the Web Feed plugin. If you enable this, you’ll be able to add RSS/Atom links to your sidebar providing the most recently-published content. The listed metadata fields are already included in the feed so I don’t believe any modifications will be needed.
Note that OJS 2.3.7 is quite old and you might find that support has improved in more recent releases.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
thx for the help, @asmecher