User Registration Error in Ojs

while new user registration in the main site of OJS Current version: an error had been noticed that prevents user to create an account.

  1. check box had not been displayed To agree to the terms of the privacy statement.
    error displayed
    Errors occurred processing this form:
    You must agree to the terms of the privacy statement.

Hi @salman20054,
Do you use any theme other than default. If yes, you need to update the theme to the latest release.

Best regards,

Hi thank you for responding i have the latest version of themes which was updated

or else you can send me the child theme of latest version

i used Manuscript (Default child theme) and it is Up to date

DefaultManuscript GitHub page says:

defaultManuscript v1.0.2 is compatible with OJS 3.1.1.

I am not sure, if it is compatible with OJS 3.1.1-2

tagging @NateWr, here.

best regards,

Yes, it should be. Thanks for the heads-up @anupent. I’ve updated the compatibility details in the readme.

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this issue was been occured in the main site of registration.
i mean starting page of ojs (index.php)

Can you post the screenshot of the problem area?


HI @salman20054,
It looks like either your theme is not up to date, or
there are old files in your cache.

If you are sure that you have the latest version of theme, can you clear the template cache in the administrator area in editorial view (back stage)?

This is an error with the site-wide registration form which only appears in multi-journal installs. You can follow progress on this issue here:

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yea i had tried that. even though it occurs same issue

this works if the data was alligned properly then it will looks even better