Hi Everyone!
My organization uses OJS for our journal since last year. As you can see, we are pretty new in this arena… we are just getting used to it but we already can enjoy the benefits of OJS!
In my organization I also run a small grant program (small enough so that we don´t have money to pay for a grant management software; but attractive enough for receiving a couple of hundred applications annually). Since I see the grant application process very similar to the paper application process (reception of manuscripts, peer review, editorial decisions), is there anyway of using OJS or OCS for grant application process? Say I create a journal called Grant xxx. Would it work? Has anyone tried it? Does anyone have suggestions for me?
Looking forward to hear from you.
Thank you all
I wouldn’t recommend using OCS – it’s not being actively maintained at the moment. There are several groups that we’ve encountered in the past that have used OJS or OCS for grant adjudication; as long as you don’t mind the journal-specific terminology, or if you’re comfortable changing the locale files to alter the terminology (and understand the maintenance demands that may impose), I’ve heard it’s been successful.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you Alec for your response.
Wish I could hear some experiences from those who have used OJS for grant adjudication processes… to difficult to do for someone who has just adopted OJS a year ago (+ not tech savy)?