First of all thank them for their help.
I write to you because I have a problem with the generation of statistics in OJS. My version of OJS is
I have enabled the Usage Statistics plugin but in the METRICS table only those entries of type “ojs :: counter” are registered.
Also, I tried installing the statistics charts for OJS plugin and enabled a section called stats that always shows “404 error”.
What could I do to get the statistics collected correctly?
The metric type of “ojs::counter” is used in multiple internal statistics reports (not just the COUNTER reports). Can you share what specific problems you are encountering with the internal reports?
The Statistics Charts plugin is a third-party contribution. The original author, if still active, will be the best source of support, but it looks like there hasn’t been any recent activity in GitHub. You’ll find some additional recent conversation on it here:
Thanks for your help.
I need to process the log files that are generated in the ojs_files folder, I have seen that there are several metrics but only counts visits and accesses, those related to country and region are not counted.
How can I manage to process the log files to be inserted in the database?
On the subject of the plugin statistics charts, I am talking to the creator.
Thank you
Breaking out metrics by country and region depends on:
A GeoIP database. See, for example the README for 2.4.8-2:
ojs/README at ba4be9b13e4f070d0048f4aa09175fe0bacf001b · pkp/ojs · GitHub -
Configuration of the plugin to allow it. For example, enabling the “dataPrivacyOption” in 2.4.7-1 will disable region-based metics.