I need a clarification,
what exactly count abstract views in statistics?
What application are you using?
I am using a multi-review OJS
with usageStats plugin activated
I would like to understand:
- when the article is viewed multiple times during the visit (e.g., the visitor views other articles and then returns to the starting article) is it counted only once or is it counted each time?
- when a search engine bot visits the page to index it, is it counted as an abstract view or is it excluded from the statistics?
I ask these questions because I am seeing a big difference between abstract views of an article in OJS statistics and pageviews in Matomo (analytics) of the same page, for the same period. OJS has about twice as many abstract views as pageviews in Matomo.
Does anyone have an explanation for this discrepancy or can answer the two questions posed above?
Thank for your time
Abramo Tesoro