Describe the issue or problem
When you download an article the download statistics is always con zero. Nothing happen.
Steps I took leading up to the issue
For example:
Today I check de log files and this is the message:
[2025-01-11 22:35:38] [Notification] The task has started.
[2025-01-11 22:35:38] [Error] The file usage_events_20240424.log is in an old log format that cannot be processed, so it will be returned to the stage directory.
[2025-01-11 22:35:38] [Notification] The file public_html/files_revista/usageStats/processing/usage_events_20250110.log has been moved to the submission folder.
[2025-01-11 22:35:38] [Notification] The job has been sent to the background to process the log file {$file} and store statistical data.
[2025-01-11 22:35:38] [Notification] The task has stopped.
What can I do ¿?
What application are you using?
OJS 3.4.08
Additional information
Please add any screenshots, logs or other information we can use to investigate this problem.