URL not working

I have configured ojs 3 (turned off restful URL).
the URL for the 1st journal is http://localhost/BJLS/. but it is showing 404 error.

Hi @aravindiitd2022,

(From Related post.)

Have you configured base_url overrides in your config.inc.php? For example, do you have a line in your configuration file starting with base_url[BJLS]?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

if i change the base url then how can i get access admin of ojs and how i will create new journal on same platform and access it

why my url is looking like this (index.php/BJLS) and how can i remove index.php from the url

Hi @aravindiitd2022,

If you want to get rid of the index.php from your URL, you’ll have to set up URL rewriting in your Apache configuration (or in a .htaccess file).

See for details:

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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