Hi, i want to upload journal template in website so that authors can download and prepare article in that format.
How to upload template file in word doc in ojs website.
Please tell me steps.
Hi @GIAP_Journals,
as a journal manager (version 2.x) you might create a new directory via the files browser.
Journal Management → Files Browser → Create Directory
and then upload the stylesheets, templates etc. there.
Then you can llink to them in the author guidelines.
Hope this helps
Claudia JĂĽrgen
Dear C Juergen, thanks for help. I created directory, and uploaded template. Now how to link in author guidelines? When i select text, hyperlink sign active, but from there i dont know the way.
Please help.
Hi @GIOP_Journals,
sorry for the late answer, but we had season holidays.
Furthermore the way I described will not work, it was a misconception on my part, that one could link to the files for the public. They are only accessible by managers.
There has been a discussion on how to achieve this.
The favorite approach is to create a sym link.
There is a plugin for public folder browser but I haven’t tried it yet. IU seems to use it as I found these instructions.
Hope this helps
Claudiia JĂĽrgen
Hello all,
If memory serves, I believe the public folder browser plugin has been discontinued due to security issues.
The best and most secure approach is to create a sym link inside the submissions folder (normally outside of Apache/Web access) linking to the specific journals public folder…
That folder will show automatically to the Manager, who will be able to upload any files or create any folders within the public folder of said journal. Links should be http://domain.type/public/journals/journal_ID/filename, supposing you don’t have OJS within the address…
Example: http://revista.ibict.br/public/journals/1/ci.inf.normas-tabela-large.png
Dear all,
The most elegant way would be if the first suggestion that Claudia JĂĽrgen offered worked. But as she corrects her self later, it does not. The template folder is only accessible by managers. As far as I know, there is still no functionality for this very good question.Thanks GIAP.
We (Maastricht University), just like Ramon achieve this currently by:
- asking server administration people to place the template file on the server in folder:
- Then, in author guidelines and submission requirements we provide this link.
All best.
Hi all,
Note that symlinks from the private files area into the public files area shouldn’t be considered entirely risk-free either – it would permit a Journal Manager to upload e.g. a .php
script and execute it through the web server. (Journal Managers are generally trusted but it would make the utility of a compromised account much higher.)
In OJS 3.x/OMP, we’ve introduced a tool called the Submission Library. It allows Managers to upload documents (e.g. templates), so this kind of work-around shouldn’t be necessary for the newest generation of software.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi all.
I’ve got the same problem, and I see no solution within OJS 3.0.2 yet.
The Submission Library is per-submission file holder only.
There is a Publisher Library, but for journal staff only.
There is an open issue scheduling for 3.1 milestone, Improve Submission Library utility · Issue #520 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub but its description in https://pkp.sfu.ca/bugzilla links is forbidden to view.
Are there any means to store files (e.g. per-journal), to be publicly available from web-site for unregistered users? Which roles (or in access level terms) is available to edit such files?
Hi @andt,
For the moment, I’d suggest uploading those kinds of files via your CPanel or equivalent if you want to make them publicly available. I’ll give some consideration over e.g. making files in the publisher library selectively public.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
There’s a related issue tracked at github:
[OJS] Adding a “Media Library”-PlugIn #298
And a related discussion topic:
Also, the " Public Folder Browser" plugin (not to be confused with the “Files Browser” link in the Journal Management page) works great for us in OJS v.
hi i want to make a block of text links to a file and but them for public in my ojs website i cannot find the plugin in the discussion above