Hi! Can you help me? I try to upload a galley (PDF), but see this ##editor.publicIdentificationNumericNotAllowed##
Before it, I upgrade to ver.3, because had a problem with upload files too. Now I cant publish new issue.
Hi! Can you help me? I try to upload a galley (PDF), but see this ##editor.publicIdentificationNumericNotAllowed##
Before it, I upgrade to ver.3, because had a problem with upload files too. Now I cant publish new issue.
Hi @mediamusic,
What version of OJS are you using, and what language are you using it in?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I used ver. 2.4.x (not 2.4.8).
Now I uderstood that ver. 3 is not for me.This error appears continuously. So, I’ve restored (updated) my OJS to 2.4.8. And now all is OK.It was bad idea to upgrade to 3 for me, I guess:)) 2.4.8 works fine.
Hi @mediamusic,
What were you entering in the “Public URL identifier” field?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I changed nothing there. It was as in old config file…
Hi @mediamusic,
That’s not a configuration file setting; it’s entered via the user interface. In OJS 2.x, the equivalent field would be “Public issue identifier”.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Sorry, but I can’t find that… Could you tell me where is it?
Hi @mediamusic,
Since it looks like you’re talking about a newly-created issue galley, not one that’s upgraded from OJS 2.x, let’s focus on the OJS 3.x field name. When you try to upload an issue galley, what do you enter into the “Public Galley Identifier” field?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hm, I think I wrote nothing there… So, what I need to enter into the “Public Galley Identifier” field? And please, tell me, do you recommend me to update till 3.x? Honestly. I’m afraid to loose all data. Thanks a lot!
Hi @mediamusic,
You don’t need to put anything in that field, but the error is suggesting that you put a number into it. To prevent ambiguity between OJS’s built-in issue IDs (which are always numeric) and these optional user-specified ones, OJS prevents you from filling data into that field that’s purely numeric.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you! I’ll try it.
Hi @asmecher I am using OJS 3.x and have obtained Crossref prefix to assign DOIs. What do I need to add in the field of Public URL Identifier? Kindly advise.
I am using OJS 3.x. What should I write in Public Galley Identifier when I upload the full issue of journal. Kindly advise
Hi @sulaman,
I don’t think this question is related to the original post. Could you post it as a new topic? That’ll help keep the forum organized.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Noted with thanks @asmecher.