I am having issue after the upgrade to the latest version… In backend I am unable to edit some of the text boxes… the content are there but I cant see them and even update them, like they are readonly.
Also I am getting this error message in my error.log file
array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home2/isidsd/public_html/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/core/DataObject.inc.php on line 66
@Vitaliy Not sure if this is the right thread, but I am pretty new to OJS system. I also need to know where does the archive’s data goes in under our hosting account? and how it differentiate from one volume to 2nd and so on, thank
According to the message, I’d say that data is corrupted. Can you specify what text fields aren’t editable? The next step would require checking how the data looks like in the database.
I’m afraid you’ll need to specify the question. If you mean submission files, they are under the files dir the path to which should be specified in the config file.
@Vitaliy thank you for your answer, We have older version as I have mentioned you ealier, site got hacked and some of the files messed up… I have backed up the data and adopted the upgrade procedure mentioned on pkp site, means all files are new there, but what would be the solution in case?
The same is happening as emails were going empty in older version as well as new version, and I am not able to create new template as it does not allow to write in body area of the template while I can write in subject area… odd, I have ran a repair process on the database as well.
@Vitaliy I have sorted out by uploading the files and now able to edit the contents of the box/template of email etc, but emails are being sent as empty, only the signature part is working
@Vitaliy infact yes, the only thing happened with the system was, the change in files location which actually splitted the stored data, I have moved the new data folder to the old location and changed the files_dir back to old folder.
So far all is fine, except the two things which is beyond my limited:
Blank emails are being sent, but with signatures only.
When we create galleys, we were suppose to download the pdf version and create a manaul link of that pdf file and use them as an Ahead of Print , means what is coming on in next. The odd thing I am seeing is no proof folders are being created as well.
What could be the reason…
What should be the standard permission I have to set to for files_dir and cache and public folders?
Yes, in new OJS version the way how file uploads are managed has changed. This includes changes you described as well.
Only those that are editable or automatic reminders/notifications also? Can you describe a case in more detail and I’ll try to help you with debugging?
In general, they should be writable by your web server (usually Apache). Exact permissions depend on system configurations: How should file permissions be set? - #2 by ctgraham. It’s also important that files dir is not web-accessible
I have resolved the email empty issue amd testing is on its way, so far emails are fine.
My 2ns thing which I am still having issies, which is described below:
We do due process of journal from submission to proof read8ng finishing of pdf and upload that pdf to galleys when created.
For the oife of me, I am not seeing proof folder under certa8n submission when I see file manager.
Which we need to, since after creating galleys we pick the link of pdf, only chnage the part of user folder id and ise tha link for future issues so reader should know what is coming in next volume, any help here?
Or any other workaround for this? We simple need galley created pdf link to show prior to be added in futire volume… for public viewer ship…
Files folder shouldn’t be directly web-accessible and public view of unpublished articles is forbidden by OJS.
On the top of my head, I know the Forthcoming plugin that can be useful here but I don’t see that it has been upgraded to OJS 3.3
Alternatively, you could probably use public folder for that, e.g., through submission -> library -> view document library -> add a file and check public access.
You can use the link that is generated like on the screenshot. But this wasn’t designed for such a use case (like showing articles ahead of print).
I have resolve this by another way, like to create an issue and created an audit section and mentioned this as ahead of print. There is a plugin as well to deal with, but thanks for kind help.
since this system was hacked and I am working on this… except files fodler, we have removed everything and upgraded the ojs keeping the public and config file in hand…
Do you recommend files public and cache directory to be changed permissions to 777? currently they are using 755, but I am seeing some issue in editing text fields which I belived I have fixed after making permissions to 775 on cache folders.
But upon debugging I have noticed that search page is not working, means when I put some query and hit for search it sayd 500 error, If I hit search button without any string, it simple dont do anything even no error and stays on the page… any help, do you think I have to reupload such files only? if yes where can I find those files
No, almost always it shouldn’t have full permissions for others. OJS requires only apache user (web server) to have full access to those folders. Almost always the last 7 is a dangerous configuration, I’d change it to 0. Who is the owner and who is in the group?
Can you look for associated errors in PHP log for more detail?