I have upgraded to 2.4.6. but sending “Submission Acknowledgement” to the author and editor is stopped.
It was perfectly working in previous version.
I have looked in.“history” section of submission account. But there was no email log. So that no notification mail is produced by OJS. Therefore it is not bounced.
I have also reset Prepared Emails templates in journal management section. But problem still exist. The other notification mails from server and OJS are send such as mail body:
“You OJS installation automatically executed and finished this task and you
can download the log file here:”
First, can you double-check that the acknowledgement email is enabled in the Prepared Emails listing? Also that the Journal Setup area where the acknowledgemenets are configured has been properly set?
If you have access to your ISP’s email sending logs, see if there’s anything listed there.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have double checked as follows. But no problem is seen.
It was working in previous version. Once I have updated, it stopped.
I couldn’t see ISP’s email log. But I think OJS is not sending because there is no record in email log (picture below)
OJS and server’s send mail system also send other automatic mails (picture below). The problem is only for ack.email notification.
The submission acknowledgement email code is almost totally unchanged since OJS 2.4.5 – the only change is that the addressing is slightly different based on SPF changes (http://pkp.sfu.ca/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=8085). I suspect what’s happening is that your mail server is refusing to deliver the message, but there’s no way OJS itself can know why. You can verify by temporarily adding some debug code e.g. to print characteristics of the acknowledgement email before it is sent; see the execute function in classes/author/form/submit/AuthorSubmitStep5Form.inc.php.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am sorry, unfortunately I don’t have so much skills. I could not understand even what you say.
Actually when I have upgraded to new version I have changed.the maximum length of the title field of the article in the submission form
in templates/submission/metadata/metadataEdit.tpl
from 255 to 500. Because we have long article title. It exceeds 255.
I don’t think that would be responsible. One debugging option would be to temporarily try out a different mail configuration – e.g. a SMTP server, since you don’t appear to be using one – to see if that causes the delivery to be successful. If that’s the case, then your ISP’s mail server is the problem.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I just used the following conf. But no mail sent. We have google app. Integrated. With google, none mail sent at all.
We don’t have another smtp server unfortunately.
I’m also having problems with email loggin.
No email are being registered in the History anymore and I don’t see an option to enable/disable submission history as there was before…
A long time ago – perhaps somewhere in OJS 2.3.x? – we removed the option to disable email logging, so it should be mandatory. How are you determining that emails aren’t being logged? What do you mean by flawed-upgraded?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
This is the OJS that host 3 journals, was upgraded and failed miserably, where at least TinyMCE does not work at all. And I can’t tell what else isn’t working.
Whenever I send an email through the system now, especially regarding the review and editorial process, there is no record in the Email Log page.
On another note, email are not being sent, as I copy my ramon.ibict@gmail account and don’t get anything. Not even SPAM…
That’s a little too complicated to debug remotely, I suspect – I’d suggest stepping through the code and using e.g. error_log to determine where the code is or isn’t being executed. See for example classes/article/log/ArticleLog.inc.php in the logEmail function.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@birkok, I was hoping you could just change line 184 in the file from: $mail->setFrom($journal->getSetting('contactEmail'), $journal->getSetting('contactName'));
to $mail->setReplyTo(null);
to see if the error re-occurs.
But if you are not familiar with editing PHP, it’s better not to try this.
We have the same problems with email notifications. When an author submits an article, the author is notified but the editor does not receive (is correctly setup in 3.6). Reviewers and copyeditors not receiving communication also, and automatic reminders don’t work. if I send mail directly to a person, it works without a problem
We change AuthorSubmitStep5Form.inc.php line 184 according to @ctgraham and it works again but it was also necessary to change UserManagementForm.inc.php, CreateReviewerForm.inc.php, CommentForm.inc.php, EditCommentForm.inc.php, ReviewReminder.inc.php, RegistrationForm.inc.php in the same way (turning back according: *8085* SPF email tune-ups · pkp/ojs@2a4f677 · GitHub). Everything works again but now we have problems with mail delivery to Gmail.
Please verify that SPF email tune-ups work correctly. If the notifications to Gmail do not work, we will have to revert to Version 2.4.5
Unfortunately a lot of the specifics depend on your mail server’s configuration, and it’s impossible for OJS to know why a message is not being delivered as the rejection will typically occur after OJS has passed the message off to the mail server. The best way to debug this is to get access to your mail server’s log to see whether the message was rejected, and why.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team