I admin 5 journals in 5 different ojs instances, all in v2.4.8.1.
I decided upgrade to v3.0.0
basically the upgrade cliTool works for us, except for some problems with the images, but we can handle that.
my question is regarding the possibility and convenience of merge or unify all journals in one ojs instance.
there is any way to do that?, it worth? (not the v3 upgrade but the unification of the journals)
Any advice or suggestion is welcome.
Hi @malayibiri,
There is a third-party tool that can unite disparate OJS installations into a single one:
This, so far, only works with OJS 2.x. So one option would be to use this plugin to merge your OJS 2.x journals, then perform an upgrade on the resulting install.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher,
I have a similar problem - 4 journals on 4 different ojs instances but on v.
Is there a tool to unite those OJS installations in v.3+?
Best regards