I’m attempting to upgrade from OJS 3.0.2 (running under php 5.6.4) to 3.1.2-1 (running under php7.2).
This is a trial run before upgrading a live journal: the installation to be upgraded is in a staging sub-domain of our site, and have changed the server php to 7.2 prior to the upgrade. I’ve got as far as upgrading the OJS database, but when I run the upgrade using the web based script I get the following:
This page isn’t working
staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org is currently unable to handle this request.
No error report seems to have run (or at least there isn’t one in the OJS folder where it was previously).
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Best regards
Partial resolution, I changed the database driver in config.inc.php to mysqli and the script has run and reported a successful upgrade.
However, if I click on a pdf link to an article, the pdf does not load to the screen. It will however, download.
The error.log shows:
Stack trace:
#0 /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/adodb/adodb.inc.php(558): ADODB_mysql->_connect(‘localhost’, ‘’, '’, ‘_s…’)
#1 /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/db/DBConnection.inc.php(151): ADOConnection->Connect(’’, ‘’, '’, ‘*_s…’, false)
#2 /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/db/DBConnection.inc.php(126): DBConnection->connect()
#3 /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/db/DBConnection.inc.php(83): DBConnection->initConn()
#4 /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/db/DBConnection.inc.php(52): DBConnection->initDefaultDBConnection()
#5 /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/lib/pkp/classes/db/DBConn in /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/lib/pkp/lib/adodb/drivers/adodb-mysql.inc.php on line 456
[18-Nov-2019 14:08:04 Europe/London] PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/cache/t_compile/e8ea13aa559bf8604ca823015b397a28d8666486^28682bb3d6b6e750ebd3d458abc8f92b4da9ea9f_0.app.headerusernav.tpl.php on line 136
[18-Nov-2019 14:08:09 Europe/London] Unable to move “/home/qualifj1/ojsfiles/journals/1//articles/21//submission/21-1-51-1-2-20170201.jpg” to “/home/qualifj1/ojsfiles/journals/1//articles/21//submission/21-12-51-1-2-20170201.jpg”.
[18-Nov-2019 14:08:10 Europe/London] PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/qualifj1/staging.qualifiedgenealogists.org/ojs/cache/t_compile/e8ea13aa559bf8604ca823015b397a28d8666486^28682bb3d6b6e750ebd3d458abc8f92b4da9ea9f_0.app.headerusernav.tpl.php on line 136
This doesn’t mean anything to me! I have starred out the login details for obvious reasons, however, the end of the database name (which is 21 digits long) which ends “_staging” is shown as “_s…” Is that an issue?
As before, does anyone have any suggestions?