It seems that you have replaced the file in the root folder.
If you have the old installation files, replace this file with the previous version.
if no, you should manually change some items, including
Download and decompress the package from the OJS website
2. Make a copy of the provided in the new package
3. Move or copy the following files and directories from your current OJS
Your uploaded files directory (“files_dir” in, if it
resides within your OJS directory
4. Replace the current OJS directory with the new OJS directory, moving the
old one to a safe location as a backup
What I do is to replace the old ojs 3.0.0 files by new ojs 3.0.1 files.
Yup, it looks exactly like that. I have replaced the by the old one
Set it to Off and run upgrade again. It is successful then I set it to On. I try accessing my journal, the same direction appears,
It seems that I missed some steps. Please, a help is very needed
You simple installed googlescholar and dublincore plugin before official release. Deleting this 2 rows from database will solve this problem.
I had the same problem.