Hello, im trying to update my OJS, but when i try to execute “upgrade.php check” dont show anything, what can be? my php version is 7.1.32.
Hi @angelu_tp
Are you running the command from your base OJS directory? The full command should be:
php tools/upgrade.php check
Yes, im doing! Should i try in a older version?
Out of curiosity, have you tried the upgrade? (after making backups of your database and files, of course)
Hi, i already changed my php version to 5.6, but now im getting a new error message it is: ERROR: Upgrade failed: ##installer.unsupportedPhpError##
What version are you upgrading to? OJS 3.1.2 requires PHP7.
Ojs 2.4.8 to 3.1.2-1
When i was using the php7 it wasnt working!
You mentioned you tried “upgrade check” on PHP7, but did you run the actual upgrade itself?
First, i tried to upgrade in php7 but didnt work, i was getting the 500 error, só i changed to 5.6 and the “check” command it works, but when i try the "upgrade " dont run.
Hello i get it!!, i have instaled the ojs 3.1.1-4 and run upgrade.php script in php 5.6 and it works, and now i upgrade to 7.0! and now it is working!