Hello, i’m new in the community.
Well this is my problem. We are upgrading our version of ojs from 2.4.2 to 2.4.6. Is the first time i do this and followed the instruction in the UPGRADE file. I got no errors in the upgrading process, the db and the platform were upgraded to 2.4.6. The issue came to light when i tried to activate and configure some plugins, i got a blank page instead of the configuration page of the plugins.
This happend with all of them that are active and i have no clue about what could happend.
So… i hope you guys could guide me to figure out how to fix this…
Have a nice day!
Thanks for the short reply, I will check this and let you know if worked.
Hi, i followed the tips in there but i got no results. I cannot acces to the error logs file so i made the changes in the code to show them in the browser. Non errors where show so i am lost with this…
I also tried to reinstall the platform but i still get blank pages.
Hi @RGatica,
If you can’t scare up any error messages, try the note in that FAQ entry about adding an “echo” statement to the import function. It’ll give you a better idea of where the system is dying.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi, sorry to reactivate this, but i just want to say that the problem was solved and this is how:
The team cheked the server logs and noted a recurrent error:
[Fri Aug 21 11:44:00 2015] [error] [client ##.###.###.###] ojs2 has produced an error\n Message: USER ERROR: Smarty error: unable to write to $compile_dir '/data/ojs_csoc/cache/t_compile'. Be sure $compile_dir is writable by the web server user.\n In file: /data/ojs_csoc/lib/pkp/lib/smarty/Smarty.class.php\n At line: 1093\n Stacktrace: \n Server info:\n OS: Linux\n PHP Version: 5.3.3\n Apache Version: Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)\n DB Driver: mysql\n DB server version: 5.1.69
The message say that there is no write permission on /data/ojs_csoc/cache/t_compile.
After restablish this OJS come back to life again. 
Hi @RGatica,
Thanks for the follow-up, and glad to hear it’s working again!
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team