I have OJS version working perfectly.
I have a question, has the OJS-3.2.x series come to an end or will it still receive more updates?
I am trying to upgrade to OJS-3.3.0-5 without success.
Server configuration: PHP 7.3.22, PostgreSQL 9.5, Apache 2.4
Would anyone know how to solve it?
Augusto Torres
Here are the errors found:
php upgrade.php upgrade
[load: upgrade.xml]
[code: Installer Installer::checkPhpVersion]
[code: Installer Installer::installDefaultNavigationMenus]
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 7, Title: User Navigation Menu, Area: user) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 7, Title: Primary Navigation Menu, Area: primary) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.
WARNING: The NavigationMenu (ContextId: 3, Title: User Navigation Menu, Area: user) will be skipped because the specified area has already a NavigationMenu attached.
[code: Installer Installer::migrateStaticPagesToNavigationMenuItems]
[migration: PKPv3_3_0UpgradeMigration]
A submission file was expected but not found at journals/1/articles/1/submission/1-61-1-1-2-20110223.pdf.
A submission file was expected but not found at journals/1/articles/1/submission/review/1-61-2-1-4-20110223.pdf.
A submission file was expected but not found at journals/1/articles/1/submission/query/1-61-4-1-18-20110223.pdf.
A submission file was expected but not found at journals/1/articles/1/submission/proof/1-61-5-1-10-20110223.pdf.
A submission file was expected but not found at journals/1/articles/2/submission/2-61-6-1-2-20110224.pdf.
ERROR: Upgrade failed: DB: SQLSTATE[42704]: Undefined object: 7 ERROR: constraint âsubmission_files_pkeyâ of relation âsubmission_filesâ does not exist (SQL: alter table âsubmission_filesâ drop constraint âsubmission_files_pkeyâ)