Upgrade 3.0.2 to 3.1 locale not working. Not supported lang

We upgrade OJS.
Unfortunately our translation is not working.
NEW sql tables.
| navigation_menu_item_assignment_settings |
| navigation_menu_item_assignments |
| navigation_menu_item_settings |
| navigation_menu_items |
| navigation_menus

I try

| 33 | en_US | title | {$loggedInUsername} | string |
| 33 | hu_HU | title | {$loggedInUsername} | string |
| 34 | | titleLocaleKey | navigation.dashboard | string |
| 34 | en_US | title | Dashboard | string |
| 34 | hu_HU | title | navigation.dashboard | string |
| 35 | | titleLocaleKey | common.viewProfile | string |
| 35 | en_US | title | View Profile | string |
| 35 | hu_HU | title | common.viewProfile | string |
| 36 | | titleLocaleKey | navigation.admin | string |
| 36 | en_US | title | Administration | string |
| 36 | hu_HU | title | navigation.admin | string |

mysql> update navigation_menu_item_settings set setting_value=“Bejelentkezés” where navigation_menu_item_id=32 and locale=“hu_HU”

mysql> update navigation_menu_item_settings set setting_value=“Profil” where navigation_menu_item_id=36 and locale=“hu_HU”;

mysql> update navigation_menu_item_settings set setting_value=“Vezérlőpult” Where navigation_menu_item_id=34 and locale=“hu_HU”;

is this a good solution?
Then the appearance is all right

Do you need anything else?