Update to OJS 3.1.1-4

Hi everybody,

when updating from OJS 3.0 to 3.1.1-4, we realized the problem that the DataCite Plugin does not send correct data to DataCite: the page numbers do not arrive there.
The strangest thing is that we are quite sure that before the update to the new OJS version, the page numbers were there (at least they arrived in Citavi or in Zotero, and we think these programs have their content from DataCite).

I was recommended to ask especially Mrs. Bozana Bokan, so maybe you can help us?
What can we do? We are happy for any answer.

best wishes,


when I export articles with the DataCite Plugin (OJS 3.1.1-4), the field “pages” included in the export files:

    <size>20 Pages</size>

But it seems to mean the page count not the range (e.g. 11-12). It also adds the word “Pages”, I only entered “20”.

Kopi, can you check whether your page numbers are included in the DataCite export file?

Does anyone know how the field is interpreted by DataCite?


Dear Carola,

thanks for your response!
We export to CataCite via the plugin and I have no option to download the CataCite XML data at the moment…

you can see there all our available plugins. No one is for DataCite XML.

Can I still see the XML somehow?

And does anybody know if it is possible to use DataCite and CrossRef?

best wishes,
and warm thanks,

Dear @kopi

click on DataCite Export/Registration Plugin, then on tab “Articles” or “Galleys”, mark articles/galleys and click on the export button (not on the register button). A download window should pop up, no data will be send to DataCite.


You cannot use the CrossRef Plugin if you are registered with DataCite and vice versa. You’ve got your login data from your doi registration agency (DOI Registration Agencies) and you have to register your DOIs there.


This seems to be an issue in the “DataCite summary” (or may be it’s a “feature”).
If you switch from “Summary View” to “DataCite XML” you will see the e.g.

    <size>3 pages</size>

However, this metadata field is not displayed in the “DataCite summary”



I just sent a tweet to DataCite, concerning this issue - they already sent an answer

This is because there’s this line in /plugins/importexport/datacite/filter/DataciteXmlFilter.inc.php

$sizes[] = $pages . ' ' . __('editor.issues.pages');

editor.issues.pages will include the word “Pages” or the entry from the corresponding language. You can change that in the language file, but editor.issues.pages is also used as a headline for the metadata field “Pages” in the Quick Submit Plugin, so you will change it there, too. In the Quick Submit Plugin it’s usually used to enter the “page range”. In our journals there’s either a page range or an article number (like a345) but no journals uses “Pages” as “this articles has X pages”. I wonder, if there are a lot of journals in the wild using “pages” in this way.

So at the end you will get something like “323-328 Pages” or “a345 Pages” and this will be exposed to DataCite.

I would strongly recommend that editor.issues.pages is delete completely from DataciteXmlFilter.inc.php

For the time begin changing the line from
$sizes[] = $pages . ' ' . __('editor.issues.pages');
$sizes[] = $pages;
in /plugins/importexport/datacite/filter/DataciteXmlFilter.inc.php will do the trick and you will get something like
in your DataCite export

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Some months seem to have passed … Is a solution in sight? Will an approach where DOIs are assigned to journal articles via DataCite remain a second-class approach compared to Crossref?

Hi Gerwin, doesn’t seems so. The section . ' ' . __('editor.issues.pages'); is still included in plugins/importexport/datacite/filter/DataciteXmlFilter.inc.php in OJS and DataCite doesn’t seem to have changed anything in the “Summary View” yet

There is more than 1 year since the last part of this discussion. However, so far I didn’t hear about an update of the DataCite plugin. The page range “size” problem is still there and although DataCite changed their metadata scheme enabling the separated display of volume, issue, and source information, all this is still aggregated in one field “series information” within the exported metadata by the DataCite OJS plugin.
Has anybody heard something new?
Kind regards